Know before you get cancer

Cancer, just the name I don’t want to hear. Everyone knows how serious it is. Few people will survive if they are diagnose. Some people may detecte at the early stages. Have the right to cured. But no matter what, it destroys our mental health quite a bit.
What is cancer ?
Cancer is a disease caused by the body’s inability to control the natural growth or death of normal cells. (has a genetic abnormality which controls normal cell division or death)
causing cells to mutate It grows abnormally until it becomes a lump, spreads throughout the body, destroying various organs. and lymph nodes Cancerous lumps or wounds do not heal with normal treatment. and will continue to grow rapidly, spreading and destroying tissues, various organs, including nearby lymph nodes
Eventually it spreads into the bloodstream. Lymphatic flow Spreads to destroy various organs throughout the body, causing failure of those organs.
What causes cancer ?
Currently, the exact cause is not known. But from the study it is believe. That It is likely to come from many risk factors together, including:
- Age: found that the older you get The higher the chance of developing cancer. Because there is a higher chance of abnormalities from cell mutations. Due to the need to repair and build many things times of damaged cells
- genetic abnormalities Some types may have genetic risk factors. That can pass on from families. Some species have genetic risk factors. That are not inherited. The abnormality occurs naturally in that person.
- Continuous exposure to carcinogenic substances , such as substances used in food preservation called nitrosamines (Nitosamine) or toxins from grilling called hydrocarbons. (Hydrocarbon)
- Food : People who consume raw, fermented, very salty, very sweet food, or high red meat consumption. There is a higher chance of developing certain types than people who consume nutritious food from all 5 food groups in appropriate quantities, such as liver cancer, colon cancer. and prostate
What are the symptoms of cancer ?
Cancer has no specific symptoms. But the symptoms are similar to those of general inflammation. It is different in that it is often a chronic condition. It’s becoming more and more intense. Common cancer symptoms include:
– There is an abnormally large lump that grows quickly.
– Have chronic wounds that do not heal with normal treatment.
– Have a fever that comes and goes, can’t find the cause. It can both high fever and low fever.
– Coughing up blood
Is there a way to prevent cancer ?
The best way right now is Avoiding various risk factors Of various types the important ones are cigarettes, alcohol, unhealthy food, obesity, and sexual promiscuity. and carcinogenic substances that contaminate food, drinking water, and the environment.